TNP2K Encourages Stakeholder Participation for Stunting Campaign

18 January 2018


TNP2K invited the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), Bappenas, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Home Affairs and World Bank and Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCA-I) to discuss the national stunting campaign material placement plan. TNP2K Executive Secretary Bambang Widianto said the government needs support in all forms of the stakeholders to make this stunting campaign a success.

"The government already has official and widely applicable stunting campaign material. We hope all interested parties can help us in disseminating all communication in campaign activities that have been done so far, "said Bambang.

In the meeting the Executive Secretary of TNP2K mentioned that all communication materials both in the form of posters and audio visuals have been prepared and all interested parties are encouraged to assist in the dissemination of the stunting campaign materials.

Under the direction of the previous Vice President, Kominfo will coordinate the entire series of stunting campaigns by strategizing the placement of advertising materials in the mass media.