TNP2K National Stunting Campaign Participation in Kompas TV

31 January 2018


The issue of stunting is very serious and public awareness of its prevention efforts is necessary to avoid the economic and health problems that will plague the nation and state if the issue is ignored.

In the talk show of Kompas TV on Wednesday morning (31/1) Health Promotion Director of the Ministry of Health Riskiana Sukandhi Putra said that the awareness of a prospective mother to maintain health condition, nutrient intake and environmental hygiene during the first 1,000 counted before the baby was born until the age of 2 years determine for a child to avoid stunting, "It must be understood that the nutritional adequacy should be done since the baby is in the mother's womb. Furthermore, after birth, all children's rights to breast milk, immunization and cleanliness should all be given, "he said.