Workshop on the UDB 2015 Update- Finalisation of Support Mechanisms and Instruments

23 March 2015


The National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction, in cooperation with Statistics Indonesia (BPS) held a workshop on the “UDB 2015 Update – Finalisation of Support Mechanisms and Instruments” to synchronise the UDP Update with the 2015 Census (BKKBN) efforts and to accommodate the needs of the Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA). The workshop was held between the 18th and 20th of March 2015 at the Kuta Paradiso Hotel in Denpasar, Bali.

Since January 2012, the UDB which houses the names, addresses and the socioeconomic characteristics of approximately 25.3 million households (or 96.4 million individuals) has become the main reference in identifying programme beneficiaries for national social protection programmes in Indonesia. The UDB has a vital role in Indonesia’s poverty alleviation effort. To ensure that social protection programmes are targeted at the right beneficiaries, it is important that the UDB data be updated regularly.

The Government of Indonesia has decided to create an agenda for regular updates of the UDB – UDB Updates (Pemutakhiran Basis Data Terpadu; PBDT) 2015 to be conducted by Statistics Indonesia (BPS) with active support from TNP2K. The activity is divided into three parts: (i) Public Consultation Forum, (ii) Census, and (iii) Ranking and Grouping by Household Welfare Status. The Public Consultation Forum is an innovation meant to increase local government and community participation in the data updates. It also aims to update information on local government administration and households’ location. The Forum is designed to reach poor households that are as yet not included in the UDB. To improve the usability of the UDB by national and regional social protection programmes, the 2015 PBDT will additionally address the targeting needs of BKKBN and MoSA.

Wynandin Imawan, Deputy on Social Statistics, in his opening remarks stated that Statistics Indonesia (BPS) was ready to conduct regular updates to the UDB. He said, “Please note that the duty and obligation of Statistics Indonesia is to conduct field observations. The results of the field observations will be submitted to the Government of Indonesia, in this case TNP2K, to be further processed to produce an updated version of the welfare status of each household.”

“The UDB must cater to the trust that national and regional programme implementers have in it. To do so, the UDB update mechanism should involve the direct participation of the local government and the community, as well as reach out to poor people who are not yet covered in the UDB,” said Sudarno Sumarto, TNP2K’s Chief Policy Adviser.

The active participation and cooperation of the central government, local government and the community is the most vital component in ensuring a better quality UDB to support the acceleration of poverty reduction in Indonesia. This workshop was attended by 26 participants from the government, Statistics Indonesia and a selection of regional representatives of Statistics Indonesia.