Internal Workshop: Reporting on the Development of Raskin SIM &SPP Trials

19 March 2015


To follow up on the Raskin Central Coordination Team Action Plan and analysis by the KPK, Raskin’s Central Coordination Team, with support from TNP2K established a Complaint Management System (SistemPegelolaanPengaduan; SPP) and an Information Management System (SistemInformasiManajemen; SIM). Both systems are being trialed in three areas including Batam (Riau), Surabaya (East Java) and Tabanan (Bali).

As part of the support, training on the SIM and SPP were held at both the central level as well as in the three trial areas between the 13th and the 29th of January 2015. The SPP training is coupled with Raskin socialization in the three areas. Between the 9th and the 13th of March, a spot check of the Raskin SPP was held in the three areas to gauge the effectiveness of the socialization programme.

To follow up on the abovementioned activity, TNP2K’s Cluster 1 held an internal workshop “Reporting on the Development of Raskin SIM & SPP Trials” between the 17th and the 19th of March 2015 in Bogor. The workshop aimed to: (i) analyse the stages of development and trials of the Raskin SIM/SPP, (ii) get inputs from workshop participants on the trials, (iii) finalize the trial completion report, and (iv) draft the end of trial presentation.

The Raskin SIM ( accommodates the Raskin SPP and allows the Raskin Coordination Team at various levels (central, provincial, district, subdistrict and distribution points), and the public to access information about the Raskinprogramme.

With the complaints mechanisms operating through various channels, better integration is desirable. Additionally, commitment from the local government is critical to the success of the current mechanism – to ensure that the public has adequate information on and can actively participate in the programme.