Maternity protection is a form of protection for women to remain able to work without reducing the welfare of themselves and their children and family
Developing A Comprehensive, Inclusive, and Adaptive Social Protection System for All in Indonesia
07 September 2016
The government of Indonesia suggests beneficieries for social assistance program to propose Electronic Identity Card. The function is for data validation. As known, the government has some social assistance programs for poverty reduction such as: Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP), Program Indonesia Sehat (PIS), Subsidised Rice for Low-Income Households / Program Subsidi Beras bagi Masyarakat Berpendapatan Rendah (Raskin), Family Hope Programme / Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), and other programs which based on the Unified Database / Basis Data Terpadu (BDT).
“Electronic Identity Card gives better access to reach social assistance programs. For example, for Family Welfare Card holder, the beneficiary has to show his card. That’s to avoid irregularities. The access is only for the person whom ID Card number match with the data,” said Mochammad Eko Fadhillah, Database & Dissemination Coordinator, Secretariat of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K).
Eko said, amongst 93 million citizens data in the updating of the Unified Database (UDB) 2015, 83 millions already has citizen’s number, while 10 millions more hasn’t. TNP2K has conducted coordination with the Ministry of Home Affairs to fulfill uncompleted data, but until the middle of August 2016, only 161 million citizens or 88 percent who has already record his data, while 22 million citizens has not.
“All public services will require citizen’s number and Electronic Identity Card. Driving License, Social Security Administrative Bodies (BPJS) programs, marriage book, all will do. The card is like the soul of the citizen,” said the Minister for Home Affairs, Tjahjo Kumolo on August 22, 2016.
For those who hasn’t got his data recorded, the government provides registration sites, including for remote areas, which has already connected to Data Center in the central. Moreover, benefitted from technology, citizen is no longer need to attach recommendation letter from low level administration officer and birth certificate. “Citizen is only need to submit Family Card copy to any citizae administration office, even though they stay in different region,” said Directorate General for Citizenship and Civilian Record (Dukcapil), Prof. Zudan Arif Fakrulloh.
Until now, there are 92 governmental and private sector institutions which have already required Electronic ID Card and Citizen’s Number for citizen if he want to get their service. Single identity program was regulated by the government in February 2011. According to Perpres No.112 Year 2013 Non-electronic Identity Card is no longer can be used started from December 31, 2015. The regulation said, citizens has to own Electronic Identity Card started from January 1, 2015.
Please download here for electronic identity card infographic.
Source: Pusat Penerangan Kemendagri dan Tim Komunikasi Pemerintah Kemkominfo.