Workshop on Data Collection and Validation of BSM/PIP, Directorate for the Development of Primary Education, Ministry of Education and Culture

15 September 2015


As part of the data collection and validation process for Smart Indonesia Program (PIP), the Ministry of Education and Culture held a workshop to socialize the three-phase initiative. Phase 1 and 2 are to be held on August 25-27 and September 1-3 at the Padjajaran Hotel in Bogor, and phase 3 at the Rizen Premier Hotel, Puncak on September 8-11, 2015.

Dyah Larasati of the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K) presented the Unified Database (UDB) to workshop participants. The UDB can be used to generate lists of poor children who should receive the Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) in 2015. Dyah also shared her insights on the impact of the UDB on targeting BSM between 2012 and 2014. Furthermore, Dyah informed the audience that the government is currently working to update the UDB.

Other topics discussed at the workshop included MoEC policies on PIP, PKH, data utilization for PIP (MoSA), evaluation of PIP fund disbursement (BNI), and using the Smart Indonesia verification app (VIP).

The workshop was opened by Hamid Muhammad, M.Sc., PhD, Director General of Primary and Secondary education, MoEC and Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bafadal, Director for the Development of Primary Schools, MoEC. The workshop was attended by over 500 participants including PIP/BSM staff from district and provincial education offices.