Maternity protection is a form of protection for women to remain able to work without reducing the welfare of themselves and their children and family
Developing A Comprehensive, Inclusive, and Adaptive Social Protection System for All in Indonesia
06 February 2015
In collaboration with the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MORA), TNP2K organised the “Technical Workshop for MIS Trials at BSM Madrasahs and Application of the BSM-KIP Complaints System.” Held 27 to 28 January 2015 in Yogyakarta, the workshop aimed to reinforce that BSM beneficiaries at Madrasahs can continue to access programme assistance until they graduate from Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI), Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) or Madrash Aliyah (MA), that targeted beneficiaries receive the correct amount of funds in a timely manner and that these can be monitored and evaluated.
The workshop was attended by programme and data officials from regional offices at the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) and Ministry of Religious Affairs in Bantul, Gunung Kidul, Sleman, Kulon Progo and Yogyakarta city regencies.
In his speech, the Head of the DIY’s Regional Office, Dr. H. Maskul Hajim, said he was ready to actively participate in the development of BSM MIS trials for Madrasahs.
The event was opened by the Director of Madrasah Education at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Nur Kholis Setiawan, and followed by presentations from a representative of the Directorate of Madrasah Education (Widiaji), the Head of Planning at the Ministry of Religious Affairs (Dodi), the Head of the DIY’s Regional Office (Drs. H. Noor Hamid, M.Pd.I) and TNP2K staff.
Afterwards, TNP2K staff gave a presentation on MIS application for BSM at Madrasahs. It aimed to give workshop participants a practical overview of the application by providing them with opportunity to use it to perform updates using the latest regional BSM data.
The second day of the workshop saw discussions on BSM-KIP complaint handling systems and its practical application through the use of complaints on the Smart Indonesia programme and the launch of the Smart Indonesia Card. These activities were organised by Lum Eddy, Directorate of Madrasah Education at the Ministry of Religious Affairs.
In the future, it is hoped that Regional Offices at the Ministry of Religious Affairs in provinces and districts/cities, especially those implementing the BSM programme, will use the application to improve programme data collection and complaint handling.