Social Assistance Card Minimises Irregularities in Raskin Distribution

10 June 2014


"To suppress irregularities in the distribution of Raskin, the National Team for the Acceleration of Poverty Reduction (TNP2K), in collaboration with the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare (Kemenko Kesra) and the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) are continuing their campaign so that the general public participates and help monitors the distribution of Raskin, "said DR. Chazali Husni Situmorang, Deputy for Coordination of Social Protection and Public Housing, Kemensos. He spoke during the opening remarks at a media briefing on Raskin in 2014, held on 10 June 2014 at the Mercure Grand Mirama Hotel, Surabaya.

Meanwhile, the government re-affirmed the use of its Social Assistance Card (KPS) or its successor as a distribution mechanism for Raskin. KPS is for poor households (RTM) to benefit from some social assistance programmes. In East Java, Raskin was given to 2,857,469 RTS, and at a monthly allocation of 15 kilograms per RTS. Distributing Raskin is expected to ease some financial and food burdens of beneficiaries and could help stabilise rice prices.

Chazali added that by using the KPS, beneficiaries can ensure that they receive 15 kg of Raskin per month at a price of Rp1,600 per kg. The government subsidies the price of medium-quality rice, which usually costs Rp 8,000/kg. "In practice, however, those receiving 15 kg [of Raskin rice] pay more than Rp 1,600/kg," he said.

Kasubdit of Identification and Analysis of Rural Poverty Alleviation at Kemensos Sarwat Fardaniyah said that the subsidised rice programme aims to help poor and vulnerable households by improving food security at the RTS level.

"With around 2.8 million RTS Raskin recipients in East Java, this the subsidies are worth around Rp 4 trillion. 'The effectiveness of Raskin as social protection and poverty reduction programme depends heavily on the adequacy of income transfers and the accuracy of targeting of poor groups,' Fardaniyah said.

Deputy Head of Divre at Bulog, East Java, Yosef Wijaya, added that the domestic procurement of rice until 8 June 2014 totalled 507,357 tonnes (46.12 percent), in line with targets set for 2013 at 1.1 million tons. In 2013, the actual provision of rice hit 1,007,118 tons (91.56 percent) for 782 units. Some 201,929 tonnes (95 percent) was distributed until 31 May 2014 (January to May) as part of the regular allocation period, with 82,406 tonnes distributed as part of the accelerated allocation period (November-December).

Rice procurement involves 616 units, including Gapoktan, Satgas and their partners. “Bulog services for Raskin in East Java are focused on the quality and quantity of rice and its timely distribution, as well as its storage in warehouses, transportation and distribution. We are also prepared to replace rice that is deemed not suitable or sub-standard by recipients can be replaced once within 24 hours,' said Wijaya.