Local Governments Must Commit Support for Programme Success

05 June 2014


The success of the Subsidised Rice for Poor Households Programme (more commonly known as Raskin) is determined by the active role played by local governments. Therefore, local governments must play a greater role, particularly in budget provision for Raskin distribution from storage facilities to distribution points, supervision and education of community rights.

This point was emphasised by Dr. Chazali H. Situmorang, Deputy for Coordination of Social Protection and Public Housing at the Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare and the Ministry of Social Affairs at a media briefing on 4 June 2014. The event was part of a series of efforts to promote Raskin in 2014, and was held at the Dyandra Santika Hotel, Medan.

"Local governments should play a bigger role, especially in budget provision for Raskin distribution from storage facilities to distribution points, supervision and education community rights," he said.

Raskin provides subsidised rice to poor and vulnerable households through a Social Assistance Card (KPS). Replacement households chosen by village councils (musdes/muskel) are able to access the programme using a Poor Household Certificate (SKRTM). Raskin is part of government efforts to, among other things, boost food security at the household level.

During the event, Dr. Situmorang invited all interested parties, including NGOs and communities to jointly oversee the distribution of Raskin. "We invite all NGOs, all elements of society and other parties to jointly oversee the distribution of Raskin, in order to avoid and resolve any irregularities in its implementation," he said.

Sarwat Fardaniyah, Identification and Analysis Kasubdit at the Directorate of Rural Poverty Reduction, Ministry of Social Affairs outlined the six principles of Raskin implementation: right target, right quantity, right quality, right time, right price and right administration. According to Fardaniyah, the government is not able to supervise all musdes/muskel processes. "Please help monitor Raskin targeting process, so that those receiving SKRTMs are chronically poor, poor or near-poor," he urged.

Fardaniyah added that such dissemination activities would help boost the awareness and understanding of the rights of KPS holders or subsidised rice to stakeholders and the general public.

This media briefing is one of six being in selected provincial capitals. Radio campaigns are also being held, while posters and leaflets are been distributed in more than 100 kabupaten/cities across Indonesia during May and June 2014.