Central Java sees second highest Raskin distribution rate in Indonesia

16 June 2014


Achieving the correct target, correct quantity, correct quality, correct time, correct price and correct administration are the six key principles of Raskin programme implementation. These principles will not be effective without close monitoring. This is the responsibility of all parties, including the central government, Raskin Tikor, TNP2K, provincial governments, district/municipal governments and villages.

This statement was made by DR. H. Situmorang Chazali, Deputy for the Coordination of Social Protection and Public Housing, Coordinating Ministry for People's Welfare of Indonesia (Kemenko Kesra) at a 2014 Raskin media briefing at the MG Suite Maven Hotel in Semarang on 11 June 2014. The event was initiated by TNP2K. DR. Chazali’s statement was made in response to questions from the media on irregularities in Raskin implementation. Such irregularities include the practice of distributing Raskin to non-beneficiaries, a reduction in amount of rice received by beneficiaries and price increases. "If anyone asks who is responsible for monitoring and resolving issues related to misappropriation of Raskin rice, then the answer is joint responsibility starting with the central government, Raskin Tikor, TNP2K, provincial, district/city governments and villages."

He explained that community meetings – musdes or muskel – are a way of transforming data on beneficiaries into important instruments for the benefit of Social Assistance Card (KPS) holders. “[KPS] data has its flaws, yes. Therefore, it needs to be fixed. Every year, data on the 15.5 million KPS holders goes through the process of being assembled using input from areas of [government]. Unfortunately, usually it is only less than seven percent of rural/urban neighbourhoods that report changes in their data," he said.

Raskin is a rice subsidies programme for poor and vulnerable households who hold KPS cards or SKRTM (Poor Household Certificate) for Replacement Households, as determined by musdes/muskel. This programme is a government effort to improve food security among targeted households.

Damin Hartono, Head of Bulog’s Central Java Division, added that to date, Raskin distribution in Central Java is running well. "There is no area [in Central Java] that is problematic in terms of distribution. Central Java ranked second in Indonesia in terms of disbursement," Hartono told the media, highlighting that the problem with the implementation of Raskin distribution was at the local level.

Teguh Haryono, Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment and Poverty Reduction, Ministry of Social Affairs, called on all parties to work together to increase the use of KPS for Raskin. "The role of KPS is to provide Raskin benefits must be significantly increased. By doing so, targeted households may also oversee the implementation of Raskin distribution, so practices like sharing Raskin rice to non-beneficiaries can also be avoided," Haryono said.

Haryono hope that by increasing the awareness and understanding of stakeholders and the general public on the rights of KPS holders to subsidised rice, the six principles of Raskin implementation can be achieved.