
Acceleration of Poverty Reduction and Elimination of Extreme Poverty

Poverty is a condition in which a person or group is unable to fulfil the basic needs of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and health. In the effort to reduce poverty, some important steps that need to be considered are:

1. Coordination of Policies and Programmes: Coordination between the central government, regional governments, businesses, communities, and other stakeholders is needed. The aim is to avoid clashes and inconsistencies between policies and programmes related to poverty reduction.

2. Social Assistance and Social Protection Programme: This programme aims to provide financial or non-financial assistance to the poor and vulnerable in order to meet the basic needs of life and to deal with risks that may cause them to fall into poverty or become poorer. This programme must be effective, efficient, targeted, transparent and accountable.

3. Improving Access to Basic Services: The poor need to have better access to basic services such as education, health, clean water, sanitation, food and nutrition. This will help reduce the cost of living and improve their health and knowledge.

4. Empowerment of the Poor: The poor should be encouraged to develop their potential, creativity and initiative. This can be done through strengthening community organisations, improving access to economic, social and political resources, and building capacity and skills.

All these measures must be implemented in an integrated and sustainable manner to achieve significant results in addressing poverty issues.

The government is also focused on tackling extreme poverty. Extreme poverty is a condition in which a person or group cannot afford the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing, shelter, education, and health. To overcome extreme poverty, some of the steps needed are:

1. Social Assistance and Subsidies: This programme aims to reduce the expenditure burden of the extreme poor through cash assistance, food assistance, and education assistance.

2. Empowerment of the Extreme Poor: Training, mentoring, and provision of capital can increase the income and business opportunities of the extreme poor.

3. Basic Service Infrastructure: Build infrastructure to improve the extreme poor's access to education, health, clean water, sanitation, food and nutrition.

The government must ensure the accuracy of targeting and integration of programmes between ministries and involve community participation in efforts to accelerate the elimination of extreme poverty. Data validation and database strengthening are also important to achieve the right targets.