TNP2K Series Vol. 02/No. 01-02/Juni 2021

The TNP2K Series is a compilation of study results and working papers produced by the TNP2K secretariat and related partners. The TNP2K Series is only available in English and is published twice a year. This second edition contains 6 Working Paper titles as follows:

  1. Village Development: Spatial Effect VS the Performance of The Village Government,
  2. Towards Spatial Poverty Targeting: Identification of Poverty Clustering in Indonesia,
  3. Regional Inequality in Indonesia: Pre and Post Regional Autonomy Analysis,
  4. Leading Indicators of Poverty in Indonesia: Implementation of Short-Term Outlook,
  5. Mismatch of Village Development Indicators in Indonesia,
  6. Measurement Of Poverty Line in Indonesia: Theoretical Review and Proposed Improvements.