TNP2K Publications Catalogue (July 2014 Edition)

The TNP2K Publications Catalog provides a summary of TNP2K’s published materials. Since its inception in 2010, TNP2K has executed numerous functions including preparation of policies, determination of targeting for social assistance programs, monitoring and evaluation as well as undertaken a variety of analytical work. As part of its activities, TNP2K has produced a series of publications including reports, briefs, working papers, official presentations, socialization materials to document and disseminate its poverty reduction efforts.

*This catalogue is bilingual (English and Indonesia)

Support for this publication provided by the Australian Government through the Poverty Reduction Support Facility (PRSF). You are welcome to distribute and transmit this work for non-commercial purposes. To request a copy and print this catalog or for more information about, please contact TNP2K Knowledge Management Unit ( This publication is also available on the website TNP2K.