Annexes: Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Partnerships for Poverty Reduction through Community Development in Indonesia: Legal Precedents for CSR Partnerships between Private Sector and Civil Society Organisations (Long Version)

June 2015

*Main report available here

The legal precedents, set out in the annexes, suggest ways of covering the rights and obligations of the parties to a CSR partnership and a clear framework for working together. These are suggestions only and the parties should always consider carefully whether the suggested provisions need to be amended to suit their actual needs and circumstances or deleted as not relevant, and whether new provisions need to be inserted to protect the parties’ rights and reflect their actual agreement.

Each of the legal precedents presented in the annexes is a knowledge tool that can be used as a source of learning and suggestions for legal drafting or as a basis for negotiating and signing a legally-binding contract.

The precedents are designed to make it quicker and easier for a company and a civil society organisation to draw up and agree on the terms on which they will work together in designing or undertaking community development initiatives as part of the company’s CSR commitment.

By making these legal precedents available, we aim to encourage companies and civil society organisations to work together strategically on community development initiatives that are likely to have a sustainable impact on reducing poverty in Indonesian communities.

Please note that, while the legal precedents and the other contents of this work have been prepared with care to be in accordance with the laws of Indonesia as at 25 May 2015, neither TNP2K nor the author makes any representation that the work, including the table of Key National Indonesian Legislation Relevant to CSR, will continue to be up to date with relevant laws or that it is complete or suitable for your use.

The contents of this work are not offered as advice on any particular matter, whether it be legal, procedural or other, and should not be taken as such. You should seek appropriate legal or other professional advice in adopting any or all of the provisions of the legal precedents or following any or all of the related guidance in this work.

Neither TNP2K nor the author accepts any responsibility for any claim or loss that may arise from your use of, or your reliance on information contained in, or any interpretations you may draw based upon, the legal precedents, the guidance or any other content of this work. Neither TNP2K nor the author shall be held liable for, to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, any and all liability with respect to acts or omissions made by you on the basis of the legal precedents, the guidance or any other content of this work.